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Auto Accident Care in Port Huron & Marysville

Get Back on the Road to Recovery

neck pain in carAuto accidents can be both physically and emotionally traumatic, leaving individuals with a range of injuries that require specialized care. At Lakeview Chiropractic PC, we’re proud to offer a holistic approach to treating common auto accident injuries, such as sprains, strains, whiplash, and joint dysfunction. By addressing the root cause of these injuries, we help patients regain their health and vitality.

Who is a Candidate for Auto Accident Care?

If you have been involved in an auto accident, regardless of how mild it may seem, seeking chiropractic care is crucial. While emergency medical services (EMS) and hospitals primarily focus on identifying major injuries like broken bones, smaller injuries such as sprains and strains often go unnoticed. These injuries can have long-term effects if left untreated. To ensure your joints are healthy and functioning optimally, we recommend visiting us after you’ve been cleared by a medical doctor of any serious injuries.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractors utilize various techniques tailored to each patient’s specific needs to promote healing and restore proper function. Here are some ways we care can aid in your recovery:

High-Force and Manual Adjustments

Lakeview Chiropractic PC is proud to offer high-force chiropractic adjustments, carefully realigning the spine and joints to restore proper alignment. Manual adjustments, using hands-on techniques, provide targeted relief and promote optimal healing.

Instrument-Assisted Adjustments

For those who prefer a gentler approach or have specific needs, our team also offer instrument-assisted adjustments. Using advanced tools like activators and Pro Adjusters, these techniques deliver precise adjustments to the affected areas.

Additional Treatment Options

In more serious cases, we may may incorporate additional therapies to expedite healing. Red light therapy or low-level laser therapy can help reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair. Traction therapy is also available for effective rehabilitation of the neck or low back.

Thorough Examination and Diagnostic Imaging

When you visit our practice after an auto accident, we will conduct a comprehensive examination to assess your condition. This includes checking the range of motion in your joints, performing orthopedic tests, and assessing the health of your nervous system. Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, may also be done to get a complete picture of your injuries.

Success Story: A Road to Recovery

Recently, we had the pleasure of working with a patient who experienced severe low back pain after being rear-ended and sought chiropractic care following evaluation by EMS. After a thorough examination and X-rays, a personalized treatment plan was devised. Alongside chiropractic adjustments, nutritional supplements were recommended to support her body’s healing process.
Within four weeks of treatment, the patient experienced a significant 65% reduction in pain. As chiropractic care continued, she achieved an impressive 85% reduction in pain, eventually leading to her release from care. That’s always the goal!

Get The Help You Deserve

If you have been involved in an auto accident and are experiencing any discomfort or pain, don’t delay seeking the care you need. We can’t wait to help you get back to feeling your best.

Get started with us today!


Auto Accident Care Port Huron, Marysville MI | (810) 982-2700