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Nutritional Counseling in Port Huron & Marysville

person pouring supplements into handHealing is a whole-body process. In order for your body to hold adjustments and achieve maximum results, you need the right nutrients fueling your recovery process.

At Lakeview Chiropractic PC, we provide supplementation to make sure you’re getting everything you need for wellness. Our sophisticated tests give you precise answers so you can take your health to the next level.


Filling in the Gaps in Your Diet

Even if you’re trying to eat healthy, it’s hard to derive all the nutrients you need from modern food grown in depleted soil. We want to plug in the gaps in your diet and give your body all the materials it needs to function optimally. We help boost your health with Standard Process supplements, made from organic foods grown on their farm.

The body needs all the essential building blocks to hold adjustments and release stress. We want to supply your body with everything it needs to help you heal faster and get off the pain merry-go-round.

Accurate Testing and Specific Results

Our doctors use advanced testing to pinpoint exactly what you’re missing. Our heart rate monitor identifies deficiencies by recording the movement of your heart. Even skeptical clients are amazed when they start the recommended regimen of supplements and see their heart rate and blood profile improve.

We also provide Bioimpedance analysis, which reads your body’s response to an electrical impulse. It then generates a 14-page report looking at the 125 most common biomarkers to identify which are in the normal range.

This extraordinarily accurate test picks up on anything that’s off in the body and makes specific recommendations for supplements to restore you to equilibrium. We recommend using this tool every 30 days to stay on top of your body’s needs before any problem has time to develop.

Invest in Better Health Today

Give your body what it needs to thrive. Schedule your appointment now.


Nutritional Counseling Port Huron, Marysville MI | (810) 982-2700