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Pediatric Chiropractic in Port Huron & Marysville

happy family smilingAt Lakeview Chiropractic PC, we offer pediatric care for babies, children, and teens. We want to offer your kids the best health possible so they can achieve their maximum potential.

No one is too young to get started with natural health care. The birth process is traumatic, even if you have a normal delivery. We recommend that moms come in to get their newborns checked as soon as they’re comfortable leaving the house.

Gentle Chiropractic Care for Babies

Our doctors do a careful evaluation, checking pressure points and making sure everything is normal so your baby can grow on a normal curve. He uses extra light fingertip adjustments to keep care safe and gentle for babies.

It’s especially important to bring babies in if they’ve been struggling with colic or frequent ear infections. We’ll check for any interference with the nervous system that has been leading to pain.

Checkups are particularly helpful as babies hit developmental milestones like holding up their heads, sitting independently, starting to crawl, and learning to walk. During these seasons, babies’ spines develop their curve. Adjustments make sure your baby’s growth stays on track so everything is positioned properly.

Keeping Kids in Maximum Health

Regular chiropractic care throughout childhood helps kids get sick less often, taking a lot of stress off parents. Children under our care often sleep better, have improved posture, and achieve peak physical and mental development.

We use gentle adjustments with kids while still getting the job done. During your child’s initial appointment, we won’t do X-rays unless the exam suggests there might be something abnormal, like a birth defect.

Investing in the Next Generation

We love staying involved with the entire family unit and watching children thrive. Investing in regular maintenance care for your kids influences their perspective on wellness. As they get older, they’ll likely turn to natural solutions for health problems first, instead of pills. We’re driven to make a long-term impact on how society approaches health, one family at a time.

Choose Exceptional Pediatric Care

Help your kids get the most out of life. Book your first appointment now.


Pediatric Chiropractic Port Huron, Marysville MI | (810) 982-2700